Eliza Tay Yi Le

Shot Creator

Bridging Finance and the Great Outdoors

Eliza, a Senior Financial Services Manager at HSBC Life Singapore, is not your typical finance professional. Beyond her impressive career, she's a passionate advocate for proper financial planning, a devoted NBA fan, and an outdoor enthusiast. 

From Auditor to Financial Consultant: A Career Pivot with Purpose

Eliza has a strong belief in the importance of proper financial planning. She realized that by becoming a financial consultant, she could actively assist individuals and families in securing their financial future. For Eliza, it's not just about numbers; it's about making a positive difference in people's lives.

Balancing the Ledger: Eliza's Love for Finance and the NBA and the Great Outdoors

Eliza's passion for finance is as profound as her love for basketball, particularly the NBA. It reflects her dedication to maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

Beyond her finance and basketball interests, Eliza thrives in the great outdoors. She's an avid hiker, always eager to explore new trails and embrace the beauty of nature. Her adventurous spirit extends to trying out various outdoor activities, showcasing her openness to new experiences and challenges.

Wanderlust: Eliza's Journey Across the Globe

Eliza's love for travel has taken her to some incredible destinations. From the vibrant streets of Seoul to the tranquil shores of Bintan, from the exotic allure of Bali to the majestic heights of Mt. Ophir, and from the bustling metropolis of Shanghai to the scenic landscapes of Taiwan, Germany, Munich, Prague, and Vietnam, her wanderlust knows no bounds. Traveling allows her to broaden her horizons and appreciate the diversity of our world.

A Giving Spirit: Eliza's Role as Honorary Treasurer

Eliza's domain knowledge and financial expertise also find purpose beyond her career. She volunteers as the Honorary Treasurer, utilizing her skills to contribute to a cause she holds dear. This exemplifies her commitment to giving back to the community.

In the words of Oprah Winfrey, "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." Eliza's life is a testament to this wisdom. Her dedication to financial well-being, her love for basketball, her passion for the outdoors, her appreciation of bonds and celebrations, her wanderlust, and her giving spirit make her a multifaceted individual who brings a unique blend of enthusiasm and purpose to every aspect of her life.